Douglass Blvd Christian Church

an open and affirming community of faith

n open and affirming community where faith is questioned and formed, as relationships are made and upheld. 

Telling Our Story: Sandhya Jha (August 1-2)

Sandhya Jha

Sandhya Jha

When we talk about equity and buildings, we're usually talking about the profit we can generate. What is exciting about being a community grounded in the prophetic vision of the bible is that we get the chance to evaluate our buildings in terms of the OTHER type of equity -- how might our physical structures be used to create Beloved Community in our neighborhoods, maybe even aspiring to create God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven? Sandhya Jha will share the story of First Christian Church of Oakland's journey to turning their 40,000 square foot building (with 40 years of deferred maintenance) into a collective of 40 different organizations working to create peace in the city of Oakland. She will also share the stories of other congregations she has worked with through the New Beginnings program of the Disciples of Christ who are using their buildings to create equity in innovative ways.

About Sandhya

Sandhya Jha serves as founder and director of the Oakland Peace Center, a collective of 40 organizations creating access, equity and dignity for all in Oakland and the Bay Area. She also serves as Director of Interfaith Programs for East Bay Housing Organizations, where she organizes faith communities to advocate for housing as a human right and spiritual mandate throughout California’s Bay Area. Former pastor of First Christian Church of Oakland and former regional staff with Christian Churches of Northern California-Nevada, Sandhya is the author of Room at the Table, the history of people of color in the Disciples of Christ, and Pre-Post-Racial America: Spiritual Stories from the Front Lines on the subject of race and spirituality in America. She serves as a consultant with Hope Partnership and an anti-racism/anti-oppression trainer with Reconciliation Ministries for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). She is a faith-rooted organizer with Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity (formerly Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice – CA) and is particularly proud of her podcast, Hope from the Hood.

Sandhja's stuff

Schedule of Events


Workshop: Building Beloved Community through Building Use 11am-1pm


Sunday School 9:45-10:45am Sermon 11am

More about Telling Our Story