Douglass Blvd Christian Church

an open and affirming community of faith

n open and affirming community where faith is questioned and formed, as relationships are made and upheld. 

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the service?

Worship begins on Sunday at 11:00 a.m.

Can I show up late and leave early?

Um, sure.

Sounds good. How do I get there?

Here's a map

Do you have Sunday School?

Yes. We offer classes for young and old beginning at 10:00.

But my kids are really young. 

That's cool. We offer child care during both Sunday School and worship.

Do you have a youth group?

Oh, yeah. Lock-ins, service projects, amusement parks. All you can handle.

Do you have Transgender Friendly restrooms?

We sure do!

Who works at DBCC?

Cool people.

Yeah, but how cool?

This cool.  

What else happens at DBCC?

Lots. Here's a calendar of events

I read that you all don't perform weddings. Is that true?

Have you been reading the Drudge Report again? No, that's not true. DBCC's ministers decided in April 2011 to stop performing the civil part of heterosexual weddings until they could confer the same civil rights and responsibilities on same-gender couples. DBCC's ministers will perform religious weddings for hetero- or homosexual couples. The church voted unanimously to support our ministers' decision. 

However, since the Supreme Court's landmark decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, which ruled that marriage equality is a constitutional right for all, regardless of sexual orientation, we are once again signing marriage licenses.

Is that what you mean when you call yourselves "Open and Affirming"?

Yes and no. Open and Affirming is a common designation, signaling that a church is "gay-friendly." DBCC is an Open and Affirming community of faith, which means that not only do we welcome LGBTQ people into full participation in the life and leadership of the church, we affirm their orientation and identity as a gift given by God.

Additionally, though, at DBCC we believe that Open and Affirming speaks more fully about our desire to extend hospitality and welcome to everyone who comes to us.  We believe that, as followers of Jesus, we have a responsibility to love those whom Jesus loves radically and indiscriminately.

I also heard that you had something to do with some kind of denominational resolution.  Is that true? 

That's true!  Douglass Blvd Christian Church was the lead signer on the recent resolution passed at the biennial General Assembly in Orlando, Florida, calling on the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)  to become a place of welcome and grace to all, regardless of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, ethnicity, physical or mental ability, political or theological perspective.  We proudly proclaim that "All means all!"

Do you rent the church for weddings?

Yes. Here's the lowdown

I heard you have a Farmers Market. What's the deal with that?

Yep.  Since 2013 the Douglass Loop Farmers Market has yearly been voted "Best in Louisville" in The Leo Weekly's "Reader's Choice Awards!"  

Douglass Boulevard Christian Church believes that communities are more stable when people have access to fresh, wholesome local food and farmers have access to people who will appreciate their work and pay them for it. The Douglass Loop Farmers Market opens each Saturday at 10:00 o'clock sharp and runs until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. It rules. 

That's not enough info for you? Go to the Douglass Loop Farmers Market website for a list of vendors, calendar of activities, and special announcements. Follow DLFM on Twitter and on Facebook

What other organizations do you work with?

Well, this isn't a complete list, but: Feed Louisville, Colectivo Esperanza, Adelante Hispanic Achiever, Fairness CampaignVolunteers of America, Disciples Alliance LGBTQ+, ACLU of KentuckyPlanned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky, Kentucky Refugee Ministries, La Casita Center, Americana Community Center, The Backside Learning Center, and the Kentucky Poor People’s Campaign. We also work with Habitat for HumanityHighland Community MinistriesWayside Christian Mission, New RootsWeek of Compassion, and Christian Care Communities.  

We also house the Louisville Classical Academy, which "provides capable, questioning, motivated students [K-12] with a comprehensive and unified education based on a solid foundation of knowledge and strong thinking skills."

In addition, we partner with Highland Community Ministries to provide daycare.

Here are just some of the endorsements of DBCC from our community partners.

Who leads the church?

Members of Douglass Boulevard Christian Church lead the church. 

What is the Disciples of Christ denomination all about?

Great question. 

"The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), while founded on American soil in the early 1800s, is uniquely equipped to live up to its identity that it is a "movement for wholeness in a fragmented world." The denomination was born in the 1800s, and continues to be influenced by its founding ideals of our unity in Christ with openness and diversity in practice and belief."

The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has historically sought unity among Christians as the finest expression of Christian faithfulness. Disciples tend to embrace freedom in matters of interpretation and conscience, believing that final authority for faith and practice rests not in denominational offices, but in the

Though accepting of all forms of baptism, Disciples typically practice believer’s baptism by immersion.  In keeping with that openness, Disciples also practice an open table, at which everyone is welcome to participate in communion. In matters of leadership and ministry, Disciples have long been leaders in advocating for embracing the gifts of women as equal and necessary for the church.

If I miss church, can I catch the sermon on iTunes?

You bet. Just subscribe to the podcast in iTunes. You can also find them archived on our blog. We also livestream them on Facebook Live.

You all didn't answer my question. How do I contact you?

Send us an email, find us on Twitter, or give us a call: (502) 452-2629.

You guys are awesome. Can I give you money?

No doubt! We always appreciate donations to help support our ministry.