Telling our Story: Dan Moseley (June 6-7)
Saturday, June 6 - 12-2PM
Telling Your Personal Story Workshop
Sunday June 7 - 11:00 AM
Dr. Moseley's sermon: Restory Your Life:Living Into a New Identity
12:15 PM Light lunch
12:45 PM - 3:00 PM Telling the Story of DBCC: a workshop designed to encourage reflection about this congregation and project our
narrative as the body of Christ in this place.
How did we get here and where are we going?
Re-story Your Life: Living Into a New Identity
About Dan
Dan Moseley is a respected executive coach/consultant who has helped individuals and organizations navigage the changes and conflicts in life. He is a nationally known lecturer and workshop leader in issues of leadership, loss,change and transition.
Dr. Moseley has decades of experience in teaching and supporting others in their journey of life. He was a seminary professor for 13 years at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, IN. Prior to that work, he was pastor for over 30 years. His Masters and Doctor's degrees were earned at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. Moseley has served on Boards and Comittees of organizations throughout the world as an ecumenical leader and educator. He has been instrumental in the development of organizations offering Pastoral Care and Counseling and Grief Healing.
Dr. Moseley was the President of the Disciples Peace Fellowship for the Christian Church. He was the founding pastor of the Pastoral Counseling Centers of Tennessee which has seven satellite offices throughout middle Tennessee. He was the Director of the Walter Scott Preaching Society, a society for the development of excellence in preaching among Disciple preachers. He was the Director of Continuing Education for Christian Theological Seminary between 1999-2001.
Dr. Moseley was also part of the Board of the "Listening to Listeners", a Lilly funded project that was directed by Dr. Ron Allen. He does workshops on Grieving and Spirituality, Interim Ministry, Leadership and Congregational Conflict. Moseley has numerous articles and sermons that have appeared in publications including Best Sermons 3, The Disciples Theological Digest, Journal for Biblical Preaching, Encounter and The Christian Ministry Magazine.
Dan's writing
- Joyful Giving (Chalice Press, 1997) -- Editor
- Living With Loss (Xyzzy Press, 2008, Out of Print) - Author
- Healing Relationships: A Preaching Model (Chalice Press, 2009) -- Author
- Lose, Love, Live: The Spiritual Gifts of Loss and Change. (Nashville: The Upper Room, 2011) Author
- How to Lead in Church Conflcit: Healing Ungrieved Loss (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2012) Collaborative author & publisher