As Jesus says, these tyrants and oppressors need to repent, because there's a new ruler who is going to go fishing, hooking the jaws of the unjust and the proud, leaving them out in the wilderness for the carrion-eaters to pick apart. The kingdom of God is at hand.
So, when Jesus calls Simon, Andrew, James, and John to follow him and he will make them fish for people, he's issuing a call to a kind of revolution against the powerful enemies of God who have been grinding them and their families to dust beneath the heels of their boots.
This call to the very people who've been taxed into starvation, who've been persecuted and killed for any resistance to the king, who've been trampled on and used as beasts of burden is a powerful call to rise up and work toward establishing a new political realm in which God and not Herod Antipas is ruler—a new realm in which those who've been taxed into abject poverty are finally the ones who will have enough, while their tormentors are sent to lowest places at the feast, a new realm in which those who oppress the poor and crush the needy will finally be removed and will now have to serve those whom they've relegated to the status of outcast and untouchable.
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