Tearing Open the Heavens (Mark 1:4-11)
Mark opens and closes the ministry of Jesus in spectacular fashion. He announces that in Jesus—in his life and work and death—God has come among us. God has torn the veil that formerly separated humanity from the divine.
And this tearing is no sweet opening of a door. Open doors can be closed again. In Jesus, God has ripped the door off the hinges! God has transgressed the boundaries that separated us from God.
But unlike Wednesday, God’s breaking in isn’t about trying to retain the power necessary to exclude the vulnerable. When God breaks in, it’s about making sure that the people who are usually forgotten—the poor and the powerless, the people who try to survive eating only the bread of injustice and drinking the fetid water of bigotry from a cracked cistern—finally get to sit in the places of honor at the table that Jesus sets in the new world God is creating.
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Sermon text: [ web][1] | [ doc][2]
[1]: [2]: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m1i2v-w9v1o4s3x8wOuwhGQacj_IvRdz/view?usp=sharing