Douglass Blvd Christian Church

an open and affirming community of faith

n open and affirming community where faith is questioned and formed, as relationships are made and upheld. 

Filtering by Tag: Mission Trip

Bake Sale!

What: Bake Sale! 

When: Sunday, August 31 (after worship)

Where: In the Gathering Area at Douglass Blvd. Christian Church

Why: Because you need the sweet goodness of homemade baked wares (and to raise money for the Mission Trip).

How much: You're just going to have to bring your check book and find out.

¡Mexico! Post-trip reflections: Geoff Wallace


I have traveled to a number of different counties on this earth. I have seen many cultures unalike to my own. I have met many people who live very different lives than mine. I have learned from these experiences; each one shaping and reshaping the person I am and will become. There are few places, however, that are as dear to my heart as San Luis Potosi, SLP, Mexico.

This past July was my third trip in as many years to the Casa Hogar de San Juan Children’s Home in San Luis Potosi. Each trip has been uniquely special to me. Each trip has revealed to me a different side of myself. They have given me new insights into my own path, and yielded some unforgettable stories from man-pants to a solo unintended extension to my stay.

The relationships that groups traveling to Casa Hogar have cultured throughout the years could never be quantified nor could their importance be measured to each individual. It is fascinating how folks can become so incredibly intimate with a group of people with whom they can barely communicate. We are all family there as soon as we arrive on the grounds. Those who truly feel that love understand above all others the intoxication it can hold.

The unexpected relationships of these journeys, however absent minded it may seem to overlook them, are the relationships we build amongst ourselves as we travel as a group to “foreign” lands. The past three years have proven to be ones of great change in my life. While these changes could in part be attributed to major milestones in my life, I will never understate the importance of Casa Hogar as an influence on how my life is and will continue to play out.

Three years ago I was in my senior year at the University of Louisville. For over two years, I had been coming to Douglass as a section leader in the choir. In those two years, I could have counted on one hand how many folks I had ever spoken to. Since returning from my first trip to Casa Hogar that autumn, not only have I gained a whole new church family (something I never expected to happen again after leaving my childhood church in Morgantown, KY) but I am now on staff and committed to the task of ensuring that others get to experience all that Douglass Blvd. Christian Church is and could be.

Casa Hogar and the folks who occupy it open up the hearts of those who come to share their home. They create an atmosphere of warmth that relieves us of the barriers we put up around our lives; whether it be physical, economical, social or emotional. They set an example of exactly what the family of God looks like.

Most who venture south to Casa Hogar go expecting to open their hearts to “needy” children. But there is something we are rarely ever prepared for.

When you open your heart for something … anything, you’ll always be surprised what else finds its way inside that you may have been looking for all along.

Originally posted at as "¡Ohhhhhh Mexico!".

Sunday Happenings!

Here are some of the cool things happening the next few Sundays here at DBCC:

Jan. 29: Fiesta Dinner

  • Come join us in the Robsion Family Life Center for a Mexican Fiesta meal! We'll have all sorts of Hispanic-inspired cultural dishes. All donations from the meal will be attributed to our Mission Trip Fund!

Feb. 5: Super Bowl Party!

  • If you haven't already bought your catered tray of hot wings, come on down to the church and hang out with us for Super Bowl XLVI! Whether you are a die-hard football fan, or prefer to partake of snacks and non-sports related conversation, please feel free to join us. We will also be visited by our friends from the Grace and Freedom House.

Feb. 12: Planning Meeting Follow-up

  • Join us for a follow-up to our January 7th Event Planning Meeting to dine and discuss the progress of our 2012 events and ministries. As well as discussing plans in greater detail, we will also be giving dates to those events who have progressed to a hard date. This is also a great chance for those who couldn't attend the Jan. 7th meeting to offer their support and assistance for one or more of these initiatives.

Feb. 19: DBCC Dessert Auction

  • To raise money for the Mission Trip, some of the members have donated some of the fabulous desserts for auction. Bring your sweet tooth, wallet, and your bargaining edge. These deserts will be in high demand!

Breakfast Success!

Thank you to everyone who made our first annual Breakfast with Santa a huge success! The profits accrued have already been added to our Mission Trip Fund.  We hope everyone had a great time and hope to see all the new faces at our upcoming events to be announced. 

Everyone who had a picture taken with Santa has been sent an email with a link that will take you to the site from which you can download your own copy of you or your child's picture with St. Nick.  If you haven't received your email by Wednesday, Dec. 21st please contact us via email or telephone. 

We hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday Season! Thank you for sharing it with us. Merry Christmas!