A New Unsettling Force (Acts 2:1-21)
The temptation is to believe that if you’re doing the right thing for all the right reasons that you should win everyone’s approval. How can anybody be mad at you? You’re just trying to do the right thing?
But that’s not how it works. Sometimes doing the right thing can get you fired. Ask Jesus, sometimes doing the right thing can get you killed. I want to say to folks who claim that Jesus makes everything better: 'Have you ever actually met this Jesus? I don’t know about you, but every time I bump into him he’s stomping around in steel-toed boots, busting up furniture and smashing the good dishes.'
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[1]: [2]: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ua7KulBL-8ayPxM9IV_zpYG9iAzL9cf6/view?usp=sharing