Douglass Blvd Christian Church

an open and affirming community of faith

n open and affirming community where faith is questioned and formed, as relationships are made and upheld. 

DBCC Engages "Philosophical Questions" (This is Going to Be Awesome...)

Brian Cubbage will teach a class, "Philosophical Questions," this fall at Douglass. The class will meet at the church on Wednesday nights at 6:30-8:00 pm starting on October 19. The class will meet for six weeks. Everyone is welcome to participate. Dinner will not be provided, but you are free to bring dinner with you if you like. We will provide child care for those who need it.

Below is a brief description of the class from Brian:

Have you ever been nagged by a question you couldn't help asking but couldn't answer?

There are many questions in life mature, thinking persons can't help considering, but which elude being settled through experimental testing or straightforward observation. I call these the "hard questions." Philosophy is an intellectual discipline that aims to reflect on these "hard questions" and find ways of discussing possible answers to them that don't involve simply ignoring them or insisting they have easy answers.

In this class, we will examine some philosophical questions in an informal setting. The class will involve little assigned reading, and I will provide any readings or other materials needed. Our aim will be less to learn about philosophy than to try to do it. Of course, we will end up learning about philosophy as well, but that won't be the principal reason we meet. The class format will be geared towards open discussion and away from lectures provided by me. Trust me; you don't want lectures by me.

The questions we discuss will depend largely on participant interest, but some envisioned possible topics include:

  • Can computers think?

  • Do we have free will?

  • Can we prove that God exists?

  • How should we treat animals?

  • What is political authority, and what are its limits?

  • When, with whom, and why should one have sex?

I sincerely hope you will join us!

Brian Cubbage is a member and Elder of Douglass Boulevard Christian Church. Additionally, Brian has a Ph.D. in philosophy from Penn State University, and he has eight years of experience in teaching philosophy at multiple colleges and universities.